Sunday, January 13, 2008

Cloudy Sunday, Cloudy Prizren

The cloud cover still remains and the power has been out most of the day, but the fog has lifted. I celebrated by taking a walk up to the castle (when the freezing fog descends, it's too slick to walk the steep path that leads to the ruins). Of course, I took the camera; however, most of the photos are grey and depressing. Much. Like. The weather.

The pathway was icy in spots, but overall it was fine. I think KFOR partially salted it.

There are still remnants of the huge red cloth I saw up at the castle way back when on December First. As a side note, there is still election ephemera all over town as well.

I swear that the bit of grass on the left along with the moss growing on the rock wall are the only spots of greeness in all of Prizren at the moment.

This is my landlady's mother. She is as sweet as she looks.

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