Saturday, December 01, 2007

A Prizren Kind of Saturday

After unsuccessfully trying to get into my "office" to make copies (I don't have a key and apparently no one else does either) and in a fit of ennui, I went for a walk early this afternoon. Initially I wanted to find the Monastery of Arch Angels, a 3 km walk outside of Prizren along the river. However, I couldn't find a path that wouldn't take me along the road. Since walking on a narrow, windy, shoulderless road with large vehicles and erratic cars whizzing by makes me a bit uncomfortable, I decided just to walk up to castle. Because I take this path often, albeit generally in the reverse direction, I started feeling the tension and anxiety that drove me outside in the first place. Determined to shake off my negativity, I stopped at the apiary.

Granted, it's winter and there isn't anything happening bee-wise for me to see, but somehow, every time I stop to consider the apiary (even if I'm only doing it mentally and am not there physically), my spirits lift.

Feeling a bit better, I continued on my way. The path took me through a bleak stretch of mud, shade, and leaf-lorn trees and bushes.

Then it was back into the sun and onto the castle grounds. Earlier in the week I noticed a huge piece of red cloth being strung up. This fabric has apparently been left to rot alongside innumerable RC Cola bottles and empty chip bags.

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