Saturday, December 01, 2007

Last Weekend's Skopje Trip

Last weekend's trip to Skopje offered me the usual: bacon, a bathtub, and clean sidewalks to walk along. I found both places I was seeking: Biona for green tea & Harmonija for macrobiotic food. The green tea I bought, the only kind available, wasn't quite what I was hoping for. It has a strong barley flavor and I prefer my green tea green (for lack of a better adjective).

Harmonija was worth the search. One of its big benefits is that it's a non-smoking restaurant (a rarity in the Balkans). The food was pretty tasty, too. I had a veggie kebab with tofu, onions, and mushrooms with a slivered beet and carrot salad with LOTs of parsley. I took a piece of chocolate cake topped with a thick tofu pudding back to the hotel with me. It turned out to be downright scrumptious, tofu topping and all.

I've been trying to upload photos, but am having a hard time at the moment (I think it may be a busy cable connection). However, I've managed to upload a few. Skopje has some great graffiti:

I think I'll try making a slideshow.

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