Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Mash Pad

Gori has castle ruins a short walk from the city center (you can check the Wikitravel page for a smidge of info). I took a quick walk up there this afternoon (and petted a dog and had snowballs thrown at me by preteen boys along the way). It was a pretty grey day but it was clear enough to make out the rolling hills in the background looking towards Tbilisi. The large black arrow points to where my apartment building is situated. I'm just kitty-corner to the Stalin Museum, which I haven't been into yet although I've peeked in at the building where Stalin was born. I'm also within spitting distance of a bakery that sells flat bread for 40 tetri (25 cents) a pop.

The latitude of Gori is 41° 58' N which is roughly similar to Skopje/Rome/Chicago (Prizren is at 42° 13' N; Reno is 39° 30' N; Hyder is 55° 55' N; and Tokyo is 35° 40' N). Today we had scattered snow showers. There was a bit of snow sticking to the ground when I arrived home from dinner last night and there was about a centimeter of snow on my balcony this morning. By this afternoon, the roads had returned to mud and I don't think it's snowing at all right now. It is a bit windy, though, and I can feel a bit of a draught coming in through my balcony doors.

I'm sure looking forward to the warmth and green of spring.

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