Friday, January 27, 2012

Gori Briefly Robbed Me of My Sunshine.

The entrance to my apartment building

It's been such a blur since I left Reno, I really don't quite know how to begin. In the past three days alone I feel like I've run such a wide emotional spectrum. I'm not sure if I should start with how fortunate I am that I am working with a team of highly qualified, capable, and genuine people or if I should launch into how difficult it was for me to be dropped off and left to settle into my new space and how bereft and left behind I felt. I suppose I don't really need to go into any of it except to acknowledge that I could not be working with a better group of teacher trainers (there are four of us and each is in a different town several hours apart). I hope we are able to figure out a way to stay connected to each other as we embark on the next 18 months.

This is how I felt this morning. I'm better now.

1 comment:

Charles said...

This is a gorgeous picture...seriously.