Thursday, January 05, 2012

Christmas Beeramisu

Mash's Christmas Beeramisu. Yum.

For Christmas dinner, I was tasked with making tiramisu. Although I'd never made tiramisu before, I'm not one to cook-by-the-book and I opted to do something a little different. I perused a few recipes online (check this entry for my list of inspirations) and cobbled together a recipe for my own version of a Christmas Beeramisu.

The Ingredients

1 C chocolate stout (I used Nøgne Ø's Sweet Horizon)
2 airliners of Amaretto (you know, those small bottles they give you on airplanes)
1/4 C honey
1 C heavy whipping cream
16 oz mascarpone cheese
1/4 C sugar
1 package of vanilla Stella D'Oro Margherite Cookies
about 24 gingersnaps


Combine the chocolate stout, Amaretto, and honey in a small pan and boil for about 10 minutes (or until the mixture is reduced by half). Pour liquid into a bowl to cool.

Beat the heavy whipping cream into stiff peaks. In a separate bowl, mix together the cheese and the sugar. Fold the whipped cream into the cheese.

In a large baking dish (I think I used a 9x13"), line the bottom with Margherite cookies that have been soaked in the cooled beer/liquor mix. Cover the cookies with approximately half the cheese/whipped cream mixture. Place a layer of gingersnaps that have been soaked in the beer/liquor mix on top, and spread the rest of the cheese/whipped cream mixture on top of that.

Put in the fridge overnight. Before serving, dust with cocoa powder.


I really wish I could have found the chocolate Margherite cookies. I think those would have been great to use.

When it came time to make the second cookie layer, I ran out of cookies and had to run to the store for more. The store didn't have any Margherites (or lady fingers of any kind), so I went with gingersnaps, which turned out really well.

Next time, instead of using the Amaretto and a $12.50 bottle of beer, I think I'll try the Deschutes Brewery "The Abyss" instead. The Trader Joe's Vintage Ale would also probably be a really good choice for this.

The dessert was a total crowd pleaser.

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