Thursday, December 22, 2011

Beeramisu, Mash Style

This year's Christmas dinner has a strict Italian theme and I've been tasked with making tiramisu, something I've never, ever made. Undaunted, I figure I can take this into one of two directions. I can try making a Christmas-encapsulating tiramisu, which I would interpret as something woodsy and piney, or I can go the beer route. I'm thinking that a piney woodsy tiramisu might be a turn off (or at least just plain weird for the non-adventurous eaters at the table), so I'm going to give beeramisu a try. I haven't quite decided exactly how I'm going to put together the final product, but I'm looking at these recipes for inspiration:

Jason McCullar's Chocolate-Stout Tiramisu Recipe
Heavenly Eggless Tiramisu
Beeramisu (aka Tiramisu for the Boys)

Some time next week I'll post my recipe along with photos and reaction from the Christmas table peanut gallery.

UPDATE: Click over to here for my recipe & notes.

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