Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mire Mengiesi Kosove!

Good Morning Kosovo!

After finally warming up after being out and about yesterday afternoon/early evening, I crawled into bed and crashed. I woke up around midnight to the sounds of fireworks and car honking (the main road around Prizren was reopened and hopefully sober Kosovars were racing around in their cars), and then I promptly rolled over and fell back under.

This morning is quiet. None of the major news sources are reporting anything overtly negative about yesterday. I'm getting ready to head out to see what kind of trash mountains have been left by revellers. Yesterday as I was wading through the crowds, I kept getting tripped up over those plastic wraps that keep cases of soda pop together (Coke had a stand and was giving out free cases of drinks). Another group was giving out free 2-litre bottles of Peja beer, so I also imagine finding beer trash strewn everywhere.

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