Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kosovo's Eleventh Day

Today's trip to Ben-Af netted me a few good finds. Perhaps this whole independence thing is leading to better selections in the grocery stores:
This is the only non-processed sliced cheese I've found so far (exactly what kind of cheese it is, I'm not sure...but it's got to be better than the umpteen types of processed sliced cheese that's available)

Frozen blackberries: these weren't a new find although it did seem like they have remained frozen their entire shelf life (often, the frozen goods feel like they've thawed and refroze).

Brussel sprouts.

When I first arrived, I could find this in the markets (it's a peach yogurt drink). Then it disappeared for, oh, three months. Now it's back and it's been labelled for sale in Kosovo (before it wasn't).

Good mozzerella cheese.

A mystery can of turkey cold meat. I was curious, but I imagine it's not going to be very good.

Two brown rolls that I'm hoping are whole wheat (they're in the bottom of a plastic shopping bag).

Two pears.

As soon as I arrived back home, my landlady popped over with a potful of beans. She makes a mean pot of beans, too.

The markets are inconsistent in the goods they carry. Just because I've found brussel sprouts this time doesn't mean I'll find them the next time I go. However, the shelves are always stocked with something, so I go for what I can get.

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