Thursday, January 17, 2008

Power Piggy

How much does it cost to maintain American-style power consumption in Kosovo? I got my power bill the other day: 167 Euros. That's a whopping $250. For one month. November 14-December 14. My landlady has been plying me with food in her attempt to soften the blow. Yesterday I had stuffed cabbage rolls, bread, chocolate pudding, and cake. Today I found pasta with cheese and a bowl of rice pudding waiting for me when I got home. Oddly, I'm not that upset about the bill. My landlord said the bill for last month was just an estimate because the utilities guy couldn't get in to read the meter. His bill was more astronomical than mine. Anyways, I was warm and had hot water for showers. I guess it's fortunate that the power is out so frequently. Cuts down on my consumption. Although this bill included that week I barely had any power. Oi!

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