Saturday, September 22, 2012

New Location: Kutaisi

It's been two weeks since I arrived back in Georgia and one week since I moved into my new apartment in Kutaisi. I love my new space, but it's like living in a dorm room with a private kitchen. I'm up on the 8th floor of an apartment block (no elevator); I overlook a fairly busy intersection; and I saw a naked guy earlier today peeking out from his window in the apartment block across the street. I am mere blocks away from a McDonald's, which is not exactly a selling point, but I do like fudge sundaes and chocolate milkshakes from time-to-time.

It's been fairly hot here the past few days....highs in the low 90's, lows in the 60's. This morning I was woken up by thunder and lightning and an absolute deluge of rain. I have the doors and windows open because the coolness the storm brought is such a reprieve from the weight of the heat and humidity of the past few days. I'm hoping that this signals the beginning of fall. Kutaisi sits at roughly 300 feet, so I am imagining that the winter will be less severe than it was in Gori (FYI, the annual precip in Kutaisi is about 60 inches, which is about 20 inches per year more than Seattle proper).

I think Kutaisi is going to agree with me. I start heading into the schools on Tuesday.

the kitchen
the bedroom-slash-office

the bathroom

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