Monday, March 19, 2012

доритрицин, aka Dorithricin

I have no idea exactly what I did, but I managed to erase this post. However, the original text was along the lines of this: Oh....poor me. I'm sick. I went to the pharmacy today to buy throat lozenges and walked out with a mild antibiotic. Thank goodness for Google Translate!

Heh. Wonder how the post got erased...?


ani.ema said...

There's an app for that too if you have an IPhone - the cyrillic keyboard that is. Your experience reminds me of the diabetic sugar tablets we went searching for at the pharmacy in Sofia, and ended up with totally useless saccharin! I didn't need a keyboard translator though, I had you.

I hope you feel better!

kirsten said...

I thought of those pills today while I was at the pharmacy, actually. Heh.