Sunday, February 05, 2012

Where the K Buys Bread

Very close to my apartment there's a bakery that sells bread. It's available in two sizes, small and large, but sometimes they don't have the smaller ones so I usually just buy the larger size. The cost? 40 tetri/25 cents for the smaller size and 60 tetri/40 cents for the larger one, which is what I'm holding above.

I'd love to get inside and photograph the oven. If you look at the top photo, there's a sign on the right hand side where you can see a round, urn-looking thing that the baker is sticking his hand into. That's the bread oven. The dough is slapped to the inside walls to bake and is pulled out with a long hook. My bread today was so hot I could hardly hold it still enough to photograph it. But, man, was it good. I love fresh bread.

1 comment:

ani ema said...

The bread looks delicious!