Sunday, February 12, 2012

Afghan Box Camera Project

A few years ago, I read this article from the LA Times, Afghan's street photographers fading away, that piqued my interest in box cameras. This interest, however, was soon brushed aside and it wasn't until last summer when I read an article in Time, Rodrigo Abd and Guatemala's Indigenous Beauty Queens, that I thought of box cameras again. Since August, I've been considering how I could get my hands on an Afghan box camera and how I might be able to learn how to use one. Then, last week (or was it earlier this week? I can't remember), this tweet from the Aperture Foundation came through on my Twitter feed:

Afghan Box Camera Project, an ethnographic look into antique analog imaging, at the Aperture curated  page

As soon as I clicked over to the Kickstarter link, I knew I had to get involved with this project. It was pretty late at night when I was checking this out (like, 1:30 am-ish), but I knew. I knew this was something worth supporting.

Interested in learning about the Afghan Box Camera Project? Go to their website, Afghan Box Camera Project, but don't do it the way my mom did and try to look at it while baking cookies. She almost had a burnt cookie disaster because she was so wrapped up in reading about the project.

Additional Links

Instant Street Photography, Afghan Style (NPR)
Box Camera Photography in Kabul (blog)
Kamra-e-faoree-The Afghan Box Camera

1 comment:

ani.ema said...

Well worth the read!