Thursday, February 07, 2008

When Will Kosovo Declare Independence?

I hear that Pristina (the capital of Kosovo) is swimming in international press at the moment. Everyone is waiting for The Date to be declared. Todays news findings warn of possible violence both if Kosovo declares independence and if Kosovo fails to declare independence. Yeesh. I don't think I'll be returning to an independent Kosovo when I fly back on Sunday (but one never knows). The title of this news blog from caught my eye:

Independence Harrassment

I'm sure that somebody must know the date, but to tell the truth, I'm not sure how these things are handled. Should Thaci (the Kosovo PM) send out a press release before independence is declared to ensure that all of the people who want to be in Kosovo on this date are able to get there? Or should he just wake up one morning and decide that the clouds are auspicious and it's as good a day as any for independence? I am being quite flip, of course, but I do wonder what goes into choosing a date and the diplomacy surrounding its announcement. (And just to be clear...Mom...I'm not worried about violence.)

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