Saturday, February 16, 2008


The sun may be shining on Kosovo, but it's bitingly cold and windy. There was a slight dusting of new snow up around the castle, and big ol' clouds are starting to roll in as the wind keeps picking up.

I saw plenty of Albanian flags waving around and more American flags than I've ever seen in my neighborhood in Reno. It's funny...Americans love their flag, but I think that Kosovars love the Albanian flag more. American citizens quite proudly display flags; whereas, it's been my experience that other nationalities reserve their flags for more official purposes and find Americans' patriotism cultish. In Prizren, I have yet to see a Serbian flag (totally unsurprising and I'm not even sure what the Serbian flag looks like). Today I spotted the odd Swiss and Turkish flag, a few German and EU flags, plenty of American flags, and heaps of Albanian flags.

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