Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Afternoon News Roundup

The news is full of the problems up at the northern border at the moment (KFOR sends troops in northern Kosovo & Kosovo Serbs burn border points). I'm lucky to be in southern Kosovo. Things here are calm. Tons of people are out walking around and enjoying the lovely spring-like weather we're having at the moment. It must be nearly 50 F. It feels really good outside.

I was reading through the news on Kosovo this afternoon and found the following article:

Kosovo Jews uncertain about future

I had no idea that there were Jews in Prizren. And then there's the whole issue of it being unlikely that Kosovo will be able to participate in the Beijing Olympics in August:

IOC: Kosovo Olympic Team 'Unlikely'

Thanks to everyone who has sent me emails to either make sure I'm okay or to thank me for posting information about independence. As long as the power keeps on, I'll keep posting!

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