Friday, September 14, 2007

Four Pictures

I went out with my camera around 6:30 tonight, but the light wasn't as good as it's been in the evening. I live about a five minute walk from the river that runs through Prizren. On the otherside of the river is a hill with pre-Roman castle ruins on it. I'm hoping to go up to it tomorrow. I think I know how to get up there. It can't be that difficult.

Not such a good shot, but up on top of the hill are the beforementioned pre-Roman ruins.

This picture is part of a mural down by the river. The artist, whose name I don't know, is famous throughout Kosovo, but she isn't from Prizren.

This is the main mosque in the center of town. This isn't the mosque that's blasting into my room at 5am. I suppose they have people nearer to them to call for prayer.

The minaret down at the bottom of this street is the minaret the loud speakers I hear are attached to. I live down this street and to the right. I'll take more pictures of my area in the next few days.

1 comment:

ruku said...

Hey Mash! Well you are finally there - glad to hear that all is going well so far. Keep the blogging up, I need something to read in work when I can't be bothered working.
Enjoy it all. As always, 6208 misses you.