Friday, September 14, 2007


I've made it. I'm in Prizren. I've mostly settled into my apartment; I've figured out the washer; I put all of my stuff away; I bought a clock radio; and now I've got the internet connection all sorted out. When I arrived in Pristina on Monday, it was in the midst of rolling blackouts: 3 hours on and 3 hours off. These blackouts ended yesterday, but the power still goes out with some regularity I am told. It went off this morning between 8-9am, right after I finally figured out how to use the washer and was looking forward to a shower.

My apartment is fine. It's two stories and I think it was built to be two studio apartments. The kitchen and bathrooms are tiny and the water pressure is intermittent, but it'll work. I have nice views of a little park in front of the apartment and there's a mosque nearby that does a call to prayer at 5am. My landlord has a variety of fruit trees, most of which are done, but the quince and meddler (I have no idea what a meddler is...some kind of small fruit with 5 or 6 seeds inside) trees have yet to bloom. He and his wife have taken great pains to show me around, take me to the store, and walk me through town.

There are castle ruins that overlook Prizren. I haven't been up there yet, but I hope to this weekend. I'm still adjusting from jetlag and people keep offering me coffee and tea at all hours, which doesn't do well for my sleeping habits when I'm drinking espresso at 8pm. My landlord's wife also keeps bringing me sweets, which is very much appreciated, but it's been a lot of food so far. Heh. I asked if they could find out if there were any gyms.

This will be a good place.

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