Thursday, December 15, 2011

The unexpected death of a friend on December 7th has created a murky emotional soup for me that I'm not entirely sure how to deal with. He had been a teacher of mine, a colleague, a friend, a neighbor, Skeena's #1 dog sitter.....Mike's funeral was yesterday. I'm sure he would have been a bit embarrassed by our naked statements of love and appreciation, but I also know he would have been very humbled and deeply moved. I've compiled a set of links to various sites where people have written about him. He was very well loved and I will miss him.
R.I.P. Mike Colpo
Mike Colpo will be remembered as a champion of the wilderness
Dirtbag Diaries: The Shorts - Sitting in Silence


Anonymous said...

I have read everything I could find on Mike and now understand why he was so well-loved. I'm truly sorry for you and all his friends and family.

Alicia said...

I'm going through my holiday backlog and just saw this post. I'm so very sorry to hear of your friend's death. Even if he would be embarrassed by the sentimentality, he'd want all of you who loved him and miss him to find comfort in grieving together. I'm sending along a big virtual hug.