Sunday, August 03, 2008

I Made This: Seared Tuna

The cooking bug is beginning to niggle away at me. After an inspirational dinner with a friend the other night (she cooked up seared tuna, potatoes, and asparagus), I decided that I could do seared tuna, too. After a walk up to Hobart Resevoir this afternoon, I stopped by Whole Foods and picked up the goods: searing grade tuna (1/2 pound @ $25/pound); powdered wasabi; sesame oil; and bulk quinoa. To make the seared tuna, I rinsed and patted dry the bit of fish I purchased, soaked it in a bit of sesame oil, and grilled it on each side for a count to 90.

De-lish. It's very nice to be able to cook the foods I like to eat.

However, using chopsticks to eat quinoa is a bit challening. But I managed it.

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