Tuesday, December 11, 2007

In the Dark

My power has been out for two days. It will remain so for an undetermined amount of time although my landlord was certain it would come back on tonight. But if not tonight, then tomorrow. And if not tomorrow, he'll drive me by car to his mother-in-law's house because she has a flat upstairs to let. I can stay there for 2 weeks or until the issue is solved.

Word on the street is that one of my neighbors owes 1500 Euros in umpaid electricity bills. I sure hope this neighbor isn't a teacher: That would be about 8 months worth of salary.

Being without power is rough. Being without power when the folk across the street have it is even worse. If I were in a tent or a cabin or some similar situation, I wouldn't mind so much. I have to teach and look professional. On Thursday my Regional English Language Officer (a bigwig in my arena) is coming to Prizren, in part, to observe one of my teacher training seminars. By then, I'll be several days without power/shower/heat. I'm sure she'll be understanding of my bedraggled state, but it's definitely not how I want to present myself.

Woe is me, right?

I wish I had power at home so I could upload a few photos from yesterday. For the first time since I've been here there was a rainbow. I was walking to the university around 8:30 am and it appeared so unexpectedly I stopped. I think my abject joy startled the guy walking behind me because he suddenly gave me a wide berth as he skirted around me.

There was another rainbow on my way home in the afternoon, too. Yesterday was December 10th-the day Kosovo was supposed to implode. I think the next big date is December 19th-the day the Security Council decides the Kosovo issue. To tell the truth, I don't pay much attention to the "Kosovo issue." I'm too busy teaching the guy at the little grocery store down the street numbers and names of fruits and vegetables.

I'm hoping there's power when I get home.

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