Wednesday, November 21, 2007

No Thanksgiving for K

I've decided I'm not celebrating Thanksgiving this year. It's been three years since I've had a Thanksgiving meal and because I'm not being inundated with messages about turkey and family and holiday togetherness, it's no loss. I was invited to a dinner being held by someone from the US Mission in Pristina, but to tell the truth, I couldn't be bothered. If I'm going have to ride the bus somewhere and spend the night, which is what I would have to do in order to attend this dinner, I'd rather go to Skopje. So that's what I'm going to do. I'm going to Skopje. Not tomorrow, which is the Big Day of Turkey, but on Friday (assuming the place I want to stay has availability for both Friday and Saturday nights).

During this trip to Skopje I want to check out two places: a macrobiotic restaurant called Harmonija and a health food shop called Biona. Harmonija looks like it's a place with Japanese-style food (think Brown Rice Cafe). Biona might have Japanese tea...might. The write up I found on the shop says that it "offers selections in Japanese products." Of course, that could mean they have anything but tea, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

The weather looks like it'll be good, too, which means I'll be able to take the 'real' camera and not just my point-and-shoot. I'm keeping my fingers crossed! I also stumbled on a new blog to read: from macedonia. It's written by a Japanese person who is living in Skopje. I like that.

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