Thursday, October 25, 2007

When the Lights Went Out in Prizren

Power outtages today: None.

Power outtages yesterday: Four. There was one sometime in the wee hours until 6am; another from 8am until sometime later (I left for work); yet another started sometime earlier and lasted until 4pm (maybe it was just that the power was still off after flicking out at 8am); and finally from 6-10pm (luckily I had leftovers that required no heating).

Power outtages tomorrow: Probable.

I need to find a hobby that I can do by candle light.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You could build a campfire in your living room and play harmonica...Candlelight shadowpuppets also seem to have a life of their own. Maybe get a book on black holes to peruse?
