Tuesday, October 23, 2007

No Lights

Around 5:15pm, the power cut out, it was getting dark, what did I do? For a while I read, then I did some sudoku, then I felt like a cup of tea. So I went upstairs to my balcony, replaced the fuel canister on my portable gas stove, and heated up a bit of water (on my balcony because I get better air circulation than in my mini-kitchen and the last thing I need is carbon monoxide poisoning). Then I looked at the fading light and the mosque and the generator-powered lights of a shop across the small square and I thought to myself Hmmm....maybe I should grab my camera. I went back downstairs and went back upstairs and took a few photos:

And now that I've put the photos up, I see that they really aren't that exciting. That rather reflects my evening although the power, after being out for two hours, is back on and I'm hoping that it'll stay on for the rest of the evening. It went out three times yesterday and was out additionally at some point during the night (I woke up to darkness and no green light from my clock radio).

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