Monday, October 29, 2007

Grand Plans

I had big plans for tonight: I was going to try to hunt down muffin tins and a hand mixer so I could whip up some cupcakes. That's not going to happen. As I was on my way home about 20 minutes ago, there were all these flashing blue police lights and KFOR vehicles driving the wrong way down the one-way road that loops around Prizren with sirens blaring. A group of people had gathered behind me near the main square area. I in no way considered walking over to see what was going on. Even under ordinary circumstances I walk fairly fast. Tonight I beelined home like nobody's business. It's unsettling to say the least. In fact, I can still hear sirens travelling down to that area. Even if it is nothing, I don't want to be near it.

No cupcakes for my conversation group tomorrow. It's a shame. My friend Turi had inspired me to make some kind of bloody treat for Halloween...Maybe I'll do something for Thanksgiving. Sigh. Life in Kosovo.

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