Tuesday, June 26, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

So what if I've lived in Reno since 1992? Hyder, Alaska will always hold that special title of Kirsten's Home Town. And not only is the dog ready to cross the border, but the vehicle is (almost) packed and ready to go. Tomorrow is the day we begin our trek north.

The plan: drive a little, hike a little, camp out, and generally have a great trip. I spent some time today looking at hikes in Oregon and parks in Washington, but I think I'll just play it by ear and end up where I end up. I told my dad I'd be in Hyder by July 4th. That gives me a week, which is plenty of time (the drive itself takes about 36 hours). As the Verizon network allows, I'll send in pics by phone (FYI: the photographs that say "Originally uploaded by kirsmas" beneath them are pics I've taken with my cellphone). If I can find an internet hookup in Hyder (I think there may be one or two), I'll upload photos and text.

I can't wait to get there.

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