Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mash Apple Pie

I woke up with a hankering for pie, apple pie. So after a bike ride out Red Rock Road late this morning and a stop at Home Depot to buy bulbs, I came home and got to work. I perused a few recipes for inspiration, and here's what I came up with:

by Pillsbury

3 pounds of Granny Smith apples
large orange
brown sugar

1/4 C butter
4 oz marzipan
2/3 C flour

The Steps
Follow the directions on the box for the pie crust (in my case, let come to room temp then unroll into the pie plate). Peel, core, and slice apples into 1/4-ish inch slices. Put into a large bowl. Mix the sliced apples together with a few pinches of flour (2-3 T-ish), the zest of a whole orange, the juice of 1/2 that orange, generous sprinkles of cinnamon & cardamom, and a handful of brown sugar. Put the filling in the crust.

For the topping (which is from the Epicurious recipe I base my blueberry pie on), cut the butter & marzipan into chunks and throw it into a food processor with the flour and a pinch of salt. Process & let chill in the fridge. When ready, spread the crumble over the apples already in the pie pan.

Heat the oven to 350 F and bake the whole shebang for about 50 minutes or until the apples are cooked.

This photo is of the pie right before I put it in the oven. It's been in about 15 minutes, and I'm looking forward to tasting how this puppy turns out.

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