On Sunday night I snapped a few photos of the view from my balcony. The first two shots include the mosque that blares the call-to-prayer directly into my bedroom at 4:15 am these days. The third photo is of the houses next to me.
I'm still trying to learn how to use my camera. My technical skills aren't so good and I want to improve how my twilight pictures turn out. I forwent coffee with my landlord, his wife, and a Pakistani family who used to live in my apartment in order to go out and practise with my camera on Monday night. My landlady keeps asking me why I haven't been over for coffee lately, and I suppose I should have sat down and had some tea or something (any coffee after noon will keep me up all night), but the sky was beckoning to me. I did go over and say hi to everyone. Minutes are precious this time of night.
I turned down a street I had never before been down. It turned out to be a dead end.
Within a ten-minute walk of my house, there are at least a dozen mosques. All sound the call-to-prayer five times daily. The one nearest my house is by far the loudest.
This final photo is of the Catholic Church. Although Islam is by far the dominant religion, Prizren has a fair number of Catholics as well. Some of the outlying villages are Catholic villages and there doesn't seem to be (much) prejudice here based on religion.
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