Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Pics

Here are a few (hopefully of interest) pictures of my trip to Skopje and Thessaloniki. I wish I had brought my 'real' camera instead of the point-and-shoot, but it was raining when I left Prizren and I didn't want to haul around a larger camera in a downpour.

This was my salty pancake. The crepe part was pretty tasty, but the lunchmeat and mustard filling didn't really float my boat.

This is Skopje, Macedonia. I took this from the castle ruins that overlook the town, and this is towards the main downtown area. Up on the hill there is a rather large cross that I haven't had the time to find any information about.

Random graffiti on historical buildings is both intriguing and irksome...more irksome, I think. This was up at the castle ruins.

A few photos of other spray-paintings around town:

Thessaloniki is in no way immune to grafitti, and I think this is my favorite piece from the entire trip:

Thessaloniki also had a few picture-worthy signs, too: A store called Reno; a restaurant called Meat Me; and somebody called Kirsten.

In order to lull myself to sleep one night, I was flipping through the tv channels on offer. The Simpsons are definitely a worldwide phenomenon. I'm surprised that the show was subtitled and not dubbed.

Waiting in line to leave Greece and go into Macedonia. Customs lines are the same everywhere, or so it seems. You wait, and wait, and wait, even if there are only 3 cars ahead of you.

A random road shot in Macedonia. It's unremarkable except for the lack of trash. Were this a road through Kosovo, there would be litter everywhere. Not a little bit of litter, but heaps and heaps of the stuff overflowing into the road. You may think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.

And, finally, the sign for the bus that would take me back into Kosovo. Luckily, I can mostly sound out Macedonian cyrillic, but this particular sign would flit between this and roman letters.

I wanted to upload a few more photos, but, unfortunately, I'm running into Blogger problems. Perhaps next time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

!!! The Reno Store sign also had an Arch.

Will the wonders ever cease.
