Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gimme a Break

Living in Kosovo is a bit more stressful than I usually let on. Between trying to meet everyone else's English language needs and dealing with the challenges day-to-day life brings, I need a little holiday. Granted, one weekend won't bring me complete rest and relaxation, but I think getting out of Kosovo is key to my sanity. Where will I go? Where else but Macedonia!

I've decided to take a trip down to Ohrid, which is supposed to be just lovely. I remember a Macedonian student I had waxing poetic about the place. The trip should be straight forward. I have to stay in Pristina tomorrow night in order to attend a dinner I've been invited to (I think the last bus for Prizren leaves around 6 pm, which barely leaves time for a late lunch much less dinner). I'll head to Skopje from there and then go on to Ohrid. The bus station in Skopje has a great website that lists arrivals and departures from the station and is incredibly user friendly. The bus station itself is a bit drab but highly functional and that's ultimately what matters to me. I like easy-to-use bus stations. Pristina's stacione autobuseve doesn't fit that bill.

Sigh. A weekend away. And with the price of rooms in private residences in Ohrid at around 10 Euros ($14), it could be a fairly inexpensive weekend at that. I'll let you know how it all turns out!

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