Saturday, September 29, 2007

Prizren in the Late Afternoon

I decided to take my camera out this afternoon since it seems like it's been a while since I've been out taking pictures. The first thing I did was to walk down to the river, which is about 5 minutes from my apartment. There is a mural (painted by a woman Kosovar whose name I still don't remember, but I do remember that she's not from Prizren) along the banks...

After I crossed the river and took a few photos of the mural, I started walking up towards the castle. In the picture below you can see a Serbian Orthodox church that was heavily damaged in 2004. Once you get closer to the church there are all sorts of KFOR signs telling you not to photograph it. I'm not sure if that means they just don't want people photographing it up close or not taking pictures of it at all. I figure they must just mean don't take pictures up close because otherwise, how would you know?

This is another bombed out building on the same street. A woman walked by me as I was snapping shots and tsk-tsked me. I don't think they like people taking photos of the bombed out buildings.

I walked up to the castle (and I didn't take any pictures of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the way up). This is one of the castle's sidewalls with the remnants of a T and O, part of TITO that, when lit up, could be seen from all over Prizren at night.

An overview of the castle remnants with Prizren stretching off into the distance. There were a few people wandering around the grounds,but no cows this afternoon.

A view of the sun setting. To the left of this photo is Albania, and to the right stretches Kosovo.

This is a shot of the Serbian Orthodox Church you're not supposed to take photos of from close up. It's surrounded by razor wire, and you can see the KFOR vehicles parked within its walls.

This picture shows the main mosque and in the center is the catholic church. As far as I know, this is the main catholic church for Prizren and it's in use (but, of course, I could be wrong).

I was sitting beside a bunch of small white flowers. I took a bunch of pictures. Not many turned out so well because the flowers were white and didn't show up so well against the background of Prizren and the river.

Walking back down into town I had to again pass the church (on the left). The sunset was beautiful, but it was a bit hazy.

Back across the river, the main mosque is on the right, the orthodox church in partway up the hill in the middle, and the castle is just out of the photo on the hill to the left.

This is one of my favorite streets. There's a tiny waterway running alongside the really uneven cobblestone pathway between the two sets of buildings.

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