Friday, September 07, 2007

Baggage Woes

The last few days before I'm on my way out of the country are always the worst. One of my main stressors this time is baggage weight. Now, I'm sure most people could pack for a year in two bags of 50lbs each. Not me. I have so many educational materials to take with me, I'm having to pack along a third bag.

And, yes, I did think about mailing the books and dvd's, but I'm not actually sure how long it takes to send stuff to Kosovo and I'd like to be able to use the materials within the next six months (although I do really, really hope it doesn't take six months to ship stuff over because I sent a box of winter clothes last month and I'd love to have those before November).

I'm not going to be able to bring tortillas because I'm so close to the maximum weight on my bags. No tortillas!

It is nice, however, to be leaving. I started the application process for this fellowship back in December last year. It's been ten months in the making.

PS: The Nevada Wilderness Project is blogging. Read Weethump!.

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