Thursday, September 06, 2007

3 Days and Counting

Sunday is the day. At 9:30 am I take off from Reno-Tahoe and begin my long journey eastward towards Kosovo (22 hours long). I'm trying to pack in as much stuff as possible my last couple of days here. On Sunday night, Ken and I took off for the coast, driving towards San Francisco and down Highway 1 to Morro Bay. We stopped for a bit of hiking, to tour Hearst Castle, and we drove back to Reno through Yosemite. We rolled back into town last night, and I can state without hesitation that 3 days is waaay too little time to do a trip like that.

Plus, we had to leave Skeena with friends because dogs weren't allowed where we wanted to go (and who wants to pet a dog that's been rolling around in poison oak?). I guess this time without Skeena was practise for when I take off for 10 months. I sure did miss her.

Today and tomorrow I'm packing and repacking and doing all the last minute things I need to do before I go (meet up with friends, get my hair cut, stuff like that). On Saturday, Ken and I are planning on waking up early, and walking down to the park to see Dawn Patrol (I love the Great Reno Balloon Race!) Then we'll drive down to Washoe Valley and hike up Ophir Creek, which is the best hike to do before enduring 24 hours of travel. Ugh. A full day of travel.

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